Work Packages

WP0 (Project management) is devoted to plan, manage, and coordinate all the research activities among partners, ensuring a proactive communication. including periodical scientific and financial reports. WP1 (geo-characterization) is devoted to the geo-characterization of the Holocene subsoil, and the historical and present land subsidence based on available databased, lab and in-situ measurements. WP2 (modelling of past and present land subsidence) aims at modelling depositional units and land subsidence throughout the Holocene using 3D-Finite Element numerical model. WP3 (quantification of sediment needs under climate change) is set to perform projections of the sedimentation rates needed to preserve (and eventually restore) tidal morphologies in the Lagoon of Venice, running the numerical model under different scenarios of SLR and sediment availability. WP4 (vulnerability assessment) is devoted to assess the vulnerability of lagoon morphologies under past, present, and future scenarios of RSLR using outcomes form WP2 and WP3. WP5 (dissemination, communication, and training) focuses on key actions aiming to achieve public awareness, dissemination of scientific results, communication to the general public and training of young scientists.